Co-generation Needs of Industrial / Commercial Mega Projects
Most of Co-generation solutions needs are observed in industrial processes where any resource of energy which is available to be utilized like exhaust gases, steam / hot water etc.Our team of expert engineers carries out detail analysis of available quantum and energy resource, keeping certain factors in consideration and calculations; in turn we offer turnkey solution to meet the specific requirements of clients. Proposal includes following set pattern of information / documents which helps our client to make very important decision in turn having a solution which could be the most effective and efficient in longer term for their facility.
1 – Technical Proposal
a – Design Summary
b – Comparative Analysis of Possible Alternates
c – Schedule of Equipment
d – Technical Specifications
e – Bill of Quantities
f – Drawings
g – Conditions of Contract
h – Project Implementation Plan
2 – Financial Proposal
a – Summary of Cost of Work
1. Initial Cost
2. Recurring Operational Cost
3. Maintenance Cost
b – Detail BOQ Dully Filled
c – Comparative Analysis of Possible Alternates
d – Return On Investment Analysis
3 – Conclusions